Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hello all,

My name is Jefferson Viet-Anh Day and I was recently awarded a Fulbright grant to teach English in Vietnam.

On this blog I hope to tell you about my travels, teaching English, learning Vietnamese and the various hijinks that are sure to ensue.

A little about myself, I am from Boston and recently graduated from the University of Chicago with a B.A. in History. I am a huge ultimate frisbee player, a proud member of Sigma Phi Epsilon national fraternity and I enjoy both acting and writing as well.

If you found this blog that suggests that you are either one of my close friends or family that I told about this blog, or you randomly stumbled upon this site looking for hot pictures of naked women. Some of you may be both.

If you are the former, hi and welcome and thanks for following me! If you are the latter, I can't really help you. Sorry.

Anyways, stay tuned for more information about the school and province I will be working in, as well as exactly what I'll be doing. I'm leaving tomorrow so right now I have to pack like a lunatic.



  1. You actually didn't include a third category of person that would find this blog...The over-stressing college senior applying for Fulbright to Vietnam for the upcoming year that has a knack for Google searches!

    Although I have only looked at a few posts as I post this, I am really interested to see how you've liked the program so far, and if you have any tips for the applying process and such.

  2. Hey Mike! Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to you, been really busy over here. You still interested in Fulbright in Vietnam? Send me an email at if you want more information
