Thursday, November 22, 2012


Things I am thankful for:

1. The temporary abatement of large insects in my living space
2. The continued functioning of my electric bicycle and my continuing ability to escape death on the roads of Vietnam
3. My new mosquito nets, recently installed
4. The bag of rambutans sitting in my fridge, given to me by my teachers' English Club
5. The bar of Ritter chocolate sent from my parents that I am currently devouring
6. The mounds of postcards and packages I have received from friends and family over the past three months, I have been criminally negligent in responding to them and I will be composing replies soon, I promise.
7. The fact that fresh coconuts here cost approximately 25 cents.
8. My students at Ben Tre College. You guys are rock stars, don't let anyone tell you different.
9. My co-teachers and co-workers at Ben Tre College. Without you, I think I would probably be lost in the Mekong somewhere. With you, this place feels a lot like home.
10. My friends in Vietnam: in Fulbright, Ben Tre College, and VUDOO. You guys make a place on the other side of the world feel like the friendliest and most familiar neighborhood.
11. My friends back home. I miss you guys almost every day. Y'all don't know how much I appreciate your gchats and random emails, talking with you at 3am your time or 3am my time. If you see me online, drop me a message, I miss all of your pretty faces.
12. One very special and beautiful girl, who is flying to Vietnam in the not-too-distant future. Love you endless.
13. Again, my Fulbright friends. I don't think I could make it through this without you guys, you are all wonderful and beautiful.
14. My blog readers. It's really wonderful to know that someone out there is reading this, and hopefully having a chuckle at my misadventures over here. Hearing your responses, that's what motivates me to keep writing these posts. You guys are great.
15. My health. I have my aches and pains, but nine years of playing competitive ultimate and I haven't had to go under the knife once. Here's hoping that keeps up.
16. Ultimate frisbee. God I love this sport.
17. Netflix. You're too good to me.
18. My family. You are the rock that keeps me grounded and the people I know I can depend upon when everything goes south. Thank you for always supporting me, no matter where I choose to go.

I've got a lot to be thankful for. Love you all, and have a great Thanksgiving.


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