Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 3: More teaching!

Hello guys.

So over the last couple of days we have spent a lot of time going over different teaching activities. For me the hardest part is remembering all the time that English will be the second language of my students. When you're teaching a foreign language, everything you say in that language must be deliberate. My speech has to be controlled, and I can't use any slang.

Also, apparently Vietnamese students don't do well with sarcasm, so that might be a bit of a problem.

Random highlights/tips from class:

1. If you are teaching vocabulary, always use several different contexts (speaking, listening, reading, writing) to ingrain the word.

2. It is impossible to learn good reading w/o writing and good speaking w/o good listening, so be aware of pairing up activities that use these abilities.

3. Always draw on the students' background knowledge so that they are interested in the subject at hand.

Wednesday evening a bunch of the ETAs went to see "The Dark Knight Rises" however I had already seen it and I was super tired so I just went home and watched an ultimate frisbee documentary.

In Hanoi, a moment of peace can be priceless.

Time for bed, more to come tomorrow


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